Thinker's Almanac Concepts and Concrete Cues

 QUIZLET - Concepts and Definitions


1 Ego Depletion - Radishes and Cookies

2 Serendipity - Penicillin

3 Devil’s Advocate - The Pope

4 Interleaving - Bean Bags

5 Clustering Illusion - V2 Rockets

6 Fallacy of the Single Cause - An Apple

7 Narrative Fallacy - “The Road Not Taken”

8 House Money Effect - Found $10 Bill

9 Executive Functions - Phineas Gage

10 Social Proof - Asch’s Lines/Shopping Cart

11 Stealing Thunder - Used Car

12 Curse of Knowledge - Tappers and Listeners

13 Amor Fati - Groundhog Day (The Movie)

14 Delayed Gratification - The Marshmallow Test

15 Protege Effect - Teacher-Student

16 Cognitive Fluency - RhymE


17 Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc - Pele’s Jersey

18 Confirmation Bias - Mary Stewart’s Statistician

19 Because Justification - Xerox Machine

20 Rhetorical Appeals:  LOGOS, PATHOS, ETHOS - Scarecrow, Tin Man, Cowardly Lion

21 Semmelweis Reflex - Handwashing

22 Glossophobia - Carnegie’s Horse

23 Antifragile - Vaccination

24 Misinformation Effect - Wikipedia Page

25 Fixed and Growth Mindset - Jigsaw Puzzle/Voltaire’s Cards

26 System 1 and System 2 - The Rider and the Elephant

27 Reciprocation - A Piece of Candy

28 Anchoring Effect - Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP)

29 Zeigarnik Effect - Restaurant Waiter

30 Literacy Narrative - Malcolm X

31 Credo - Fulghum’s Kindergarten Class

32 Deindividuation - Halloween Candy


33 The Advantageous - Roger’s Fishing Hook

34 Affect Forecasting - The Lottery

35 The Intelligence Trap - Car and Driver

36 Inattentional Blindness - Invisible Gorilla

37 Narrative - Significant Object Study

38 Motivated Reasoning - Scout Mindset/Soldier Mindset

39 Pomodoro Technique - Kitchen Timer

40 Heuristics - Turkeys/Wine

41 Credibility - Sinatra Test

42 Nullius in verba - The Royal Society of London

43 Satire - “A Modest Proposal”


44 Ladder of Inference - The Six Rungs of Thinking

45 Lateral Thinking - Solomon’s Judgment

46 Mandela Effect - Darth Vader and The Death of Nelson Mandela

47 Outcome Bias - Pearl Harbor

48 Loss Aversion - Coin Toss

49 Social Loafing - Tug Of War

50 Hindsight Bias - Super Bowl XLIX (Dec 14)

51 Paradox - Fumblerules (Dec 17)

52 Alief - Dog poop-shaped chocolates (Dec 20)

53 Functional Fixedness (Dec 21) Candle Problem

54 Cognitive Dissonance (Dec 22) - Boring Task

55 Default Effect - Organ Donation - (Dec 23)

56 Feature Positive Effect - “No L” Problem (Dec. 24)


Parallel Thinking

Negativity Bias

Status Quo Bias


Cognitive Dissonance

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