Thursday, September 28, 2023

THINKER'S ALMANAC - September 30

Can you buy a mnemonic device at a hardware store

Subject:  Mnemonic Devices -  “Thirty Days Hath September” 

Event: September 30

On this last day of September, we focus on not forgetting one of the more famous mnemonic rhymes in English:

Thirty days hath September,

April, June, and November.

All the rest have 31,

Except for February all alone,

It has 28 each year,

but 29 each leap year.

This verse is attributed to Mother Goose, but it’s only one of many versions of the poem.  One website, for example, lists an astonishing 90 variations of what has come to be called The Month Poem (1).

Mnemonic rhymes are just one type of mnemonic device. No, you can’t buy them in stores. A mnemonic device is a method of remembering something that is difficult to remember by remembering something that is easy to remember.

The word mnemonic is an eponym, originating from the Greek goddess of memory and mother of the Muses, Mnemosyne.

To make things easy to remember, mnemonic devices employ different methods, such as rhyme, acrostics, or acronyms. Another method is the nonsense sentence made up from the initial letters of what it is you are trying to remember. 

Mnemonic devices capitalize on a concept known as cognitive fluency:  the brain’s strong bias in favor of things that are easy to think about.  (For more on cognitive fluency, see THINKER’S ALMANAC - January 31 and September 28.)  By crafting a mnemonic device, you are packaging information in a way that makes it easier for your brain to process; therefore, there is a higher likelihood it will be remembered.  Not only does the brain like things that are easier to process -- such as things that are repeated, things that rhyme, or things that are in an easy-to-read font -- the brain also sees these things as more valid.  As a result, the brain is more likely to transfer them from short term memory to long term memory.

Here’s an example of a sentence that is crafted to help us remember Roman numerals:

In Various Xmas Legends Christ Delivers Miracles.

Notice how the letters that begin each word correspond, in order, to Roman numerals:

I=1, V=5, X=10, L=50, C=100, D=500, M=1,000

You might also use an acronym. For example, CAMP WE is a mnemonic device that helps us remember the essential elements of the rhetorical situation.  For example, if you want to truly understand Lincon’s Gettysburg Address you need to know more than just words, you need to know something about the following elements:

C = Context

A = Audience

M = Message

P = Purpose

W = Writer

E = Exigence

Generations of school children have used the rhyme from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” (1861) to remember the start date of the American Revolution:

Listen my children and you shall hear

Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,

On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;

Hardly a man is now alive

Who remembers that famous day and year.

Recall, Retrieve, Recite, Ruminate, Reflect, Reason:  What is a mnemonic device, and what are some examples of different ways they are created?

Challenge - Remember, Remember the Mnemonics of September:  What are some examples of important information that needs to be committed to memory?  Think of something you need to remember or something that everyone should remember, and create your own original mnemonic device.  Use rhyme, acrostics, acronyms, and/or nonsense sentences to package your device in a handy, easy-to-remember format. 


1 – Leap Year Days of the Month Poem. 1904 Public Domain.

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